Saturday, May 15, 2010

May I have some more?

Parker loves to eat. We have yet to find a food he doesn't like, although he does give a little shiver when he eats anything green. Lately, he has been moving his head a lot when I am feeding him. The result - a messy face of sweet potatoes, rice cereal and gushy Ritz Cracker.

I also have been attempting to teach him a few simple signs to help him communicate. I am just doing the basic milk, eat, mommy you are the prettiest and smartest lady I know and I love you; and more. I am happy to report that Parker is so smart he has created his own international sign for more. When I say more and tap my fingers together he opens his mouth and leans towards his bowl of food.

Genius, no. Hungry, yes. Love the bugs!

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