Monday, May 3, 2010

7 month check up

Today, Parker had his seven month appointment. Yes, typically children have a six month appointment. We just like to do things a little later.
I have been saying for two months that we have a very big baby...and it was confirmed today. Well, we have a big, short baby with a decent size head. Specifically:
  • Head circumference: 441/2 (55th percentile)
  • Height: 27 (45th percentile)
  • Weight: 19 pounds (70th percentile)

Developmentally, Parker is doing well. The form states all babies develop at their own rate (yup). At this age you may notice that your baby:

  • Blows bubbles (every day, especially when Grandpa holds him)
  • Starts babbling at others (very loudly)
  • Makes more sounds in a row (da da da la goo thhhhh is one of his favorites)
  • Copies sounds (fake cough)
  • Starts to recognize his name
  • Smiles and babbles at his own image (loves the mirror on his bouncy saucer)
  • Feels nervous with strangers and seems happy seeing familiar faces (mmm...sort of)
  • Rolls over (finally, but only belly to back)
  • Sits with support by leaning forward on hands (yup, and doesn't need support)
  • Rocks back on forth on hands and knees to prepare for crawling (not even close, he has started to tolerate being on his belly)
  • Reaches, grabs and moves objects from hand to hand (uh huh)
  • Tires to pick up objects using a raking movement of the hand (he can pick things up without the raking motion, he has great hand control)

Big baby, well on track. We just love him!

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