Friday, May 14, 2010

A day with my girls.

Parker is a very lucky little dude. He has two little ladies - Teagan Marie and Olivia Hart.

Parker got to play with both on a beautiful Friday. We went to the park with Teagan and her mommy Leslie where the kiddos played under a shaded tree, ate sand toys, did a little swinging, and made out. Yup, that's right, Parker got his first bit of action. Teagan likes to give BIG kisses to her mom and decided that Parker was worthy of a kiss (ask you can see from the pictures below). The best part was the fact that Parker cried when Teagan came in for the smooch (oh how that will change) and that Teagan became very upset with a red face and a big grunt when I pulled Parker away...I didn't know I could get a dirty look from an 8 month old.

It is fun to watch the kids grow and to have some fun time with friends.

Parker: Hi mom! Teagan: Wuz up!

Parker found his shadow. So fun!

Slow for the Cone Zone!

Hi there.

I don't think I like that!

I am very angry...*grunt, redface, grunt, dirty look*

Phase two of the Friday day of fun included some play time with Olivia and dinner at Club Pheasant while Daddy went off to a Brew Fest. Parker loves to play with Olivia and tonight was no different. The two had fun passing toys back and forth and helped one another empty the toy basket. It was a lovely evening and a great end to a very busy and fun day!

Olivia is very curious...what the heck is he doing?

Parker helping Olivia get the toys out of the basket.

And it is empty! They did it!

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