Friday, April 9, 2010

Hawaii 10

We have a few places that we love and Hawaii is at the top of the list. We took Parker and my parents on a 10 day vacation to the island of Kauai. The trip started with a three hour wait in the plane while American Airlines changed a lightbulb in an emergency exit. Totally necessary for a daytime flight. After a long day of travel we arrived at our condo at the Point and Poipu. Our view from the balcony was Shipwreck Beach and simply lovely.

Parker adjusted to island life quickly. He went swimming every day followed by a two hour nap. He got his first tooth, giggled a ton, had his first visit from the Easter Bunny and still did not roll over in Hawaii. Oh, sweet baby - it is time to roll-over - but I digress.

It was wonderful to have my parents on the trip. Parker was surrounded by love and showered with attention for 10 days and Chris and I were able to sneak away for a few date nights.

It was a great family vacation with lots of laughs and memories! We can't wait to hit Maui next year...with a toddler *gasp.*

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