Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hiking...kind of.

In the seven years my parents have owned their cabin Chris and I have only visited a handful of times. Something spectacular happened after Parker joined our family, we started using the cabin. We have big plans for him to take golf lessons, swim lessons and be a junior ranger and Big Trees State Park. We have visions of joining our friends for winter snowboarding trips and summer swimming and wine tasting vacations that we hope will become yearly traditions.

This weekend we are here with my parents. While my dad and Chris played a round of golf; Parker, my mom and I visited Big Trees for our afternoon outing. Although Parker is getting a bit heavy for the front pack, the weather was beautiful, the trees were big and I felt very lucky to have such a wonderful family and special place to escape! And a bonus - we do not have to hear my father ask us when we are going to use the cabin anymore!

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