Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Play date with two hot babes and then shots!

The Play Date

November 9, 2009. Parker had a play date with Teagan and Olivia - also known as the two hot babes. Teagan and Parker share a birthday (11 weeks today) and Olivia is five weeks. The mama's found it so fun to see our babies next to one another.

The kids "played" on the floor for at least 30 minutes...just talking to one another. Teagan and Olivia enjoyed checking out one another. My little Parker just chilled by himself, laughing at his hands and screaming every once in a while to remind us there was a guy in the house!

Who would have thought that a play date with three children all under three months would be so much fun. Before we know it we will be meeting in the park and our kids will be running around.

The Shots

After the play date, Parker and I headed to his two month check up and first round of vaccinations. The report:

  • 12 pounds, 11 ounces (50th percentile)

  • 46 cm head circumfence (40th percentile)

  • 24 1/2 inches long (40th percentile)
  • Didn't cry during the shots (giggled actually), had a melt down because he did not feel good four hours after the shots!

I guess it was an okay day for Parker. He started the day with a date with two hot babes and end the day with a round of shots.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your blog entry title. I thought it meant the babies had "shots" know...a little tequilia always makes a playdate more special! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to one of the most adorable families in Sacramento. Love, Nora
