Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas loot

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...because the Cavner's were out celebrating!

We started the holiday on Christmas Eve, in the afternoon, when we visited Great Grandma Irene and all of my father's siblings. For many it was the first time meeting Parker.

We then celebrated Christmas with Chris' family. Great Nani, Grandma Suzie, Uncle Matty, Great Uncle Jeff, and cousins Farrahnoush (from Holland) and Norbert. It was a lovely evening with good food and fun stories.

Christmas morning was filled with Thomas family traditions including Mama Vicky's homemade cinnamon rolls, unwrapping gifts out of order, and a new tradition of passing Parker for Christmas day loves.

Parker scored this year with clothes and toys and a genuine Lousiville Slugger bat from his Aunt Ally.

We capped the Christmas holiday with an afternoon of fun with both families. We had a wonderful first Christmas with Parker and can't wait until next year when he will be walking and we will continue to build our new family traditions.

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