Monday, December 21, 2009

The four phases of sleepy.

Parker is 12 weeks old. Where does the time go? He is cooing, smiling, laughing and talking to us! Such a sweet time.

After his breakfast, he has some quality play time with daddy. They talk and make silly phases together and then Parker gets very sleepy. We have learned over time that he has four phases of sleepy.
Phase 1: I think I am done playing now. Parker's eyes get heavy and he fixes his stare on an object for a long period of time.
Phase 2: Fussy. He fusses right before he drifts off to sleep. The cry is a whiny cry. I joke that he doesn't have the energy to put into a full fledged cry!
Phase 3: Yawn. He will yawn with a few big sighs right before he closes his eyes.
Phase 4: Night night. He finally drifts off to dreamland.

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