Friday, December 4, 2009

What does Parker do?

December 23, 2009 (12 weeks old; 3 months) - Parker has discovered his hands! He is beginning to grab at objects and is making sounds much different than his baby coo's. He is very alert, smiling and is close to grabbing his feet. He is focusing on everything within site and faces are his absolute favorite. He is getting so big!

December 2, 2009 (10 weeks old) - Parker has taken to the pacifier or "paci," which is making our lives much easier. He is also awake for 2-3 consecutive hours and very alert during this time. He has discovered his hands and thinks they are about the coolest toy around. He brings his feet to his chest (bending in half) while on the changing table or while playing in his play gym -- you can tell he is getting ready to eat his feet! He also has unbelievable head control and likes to sit up and look around.

November 18, 2009 (8 weeks old) - First real smiles and cooing. He started giving me smiles while on his changing table. His favorite time of day to play and engage with me is at 4:30 in the morning! His first smile came to us on his Grandpa's 61st birthday! This week he also started talking to us by cooing and might I say these are the most lovely sounds I have ever heard!

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