Sunday, October 18, 2009


In 2001, we moved Downtown to be within walking distance of restaurants, the river, shopping, and a number of parks. On Sunday mornings we walk to Noah's Bagels and Pismo joins us on our weekly tradition (he even gets a bite or two of bagel). Now, we keep Parker in his jammy's and the four of us head out on Sunday mornings.

We decided to walk a little further this past Sunday. After our bagel we walked to Sutter's Fort - about 11 blocks from our house. On the way back, Pismo looked a little pooped out. We talked about carrying him for a few blocks to give him a little break when we both noticed the foot rest area on the stroller. Parker is not using the foot rest and it just happens to be just the right size for Pismo. So what do two parents do with a pooped puppy? Give him a ride in the stroller! He loved his new ride - at least until we hit Capitol Park and he saw the squirrels.

What a fun Sunday morning!

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