Sunday, October 25, 2009

10 Things I Love About You

I am trying to take in every moment, every breath, every grunt, every sigh. There are so many things about Parker that just make my heart many things I never want to forget.

  1. Like everyone else, I love your hair. You had a full head of hair when you were born and today, at a month old, it continues to style in a little fohawk.

  2. I love your sweet cheeks. You are getting so big - weighing in at 8lbs., 6 oz. at a month - and your cheeks are getting chubby!

  3. Your sweet lips. I was excited that you got my sweetheart lips. I love the way you pucker them when you are getting ready to poop!

  4. Your sweet hands and little knuckle dimples. Enough said.

  5. The sweet smell of your baby breath and the way you sigh when you are content (thanks to Holly for that find).

  6. To watch you are so peaceful and I can tell you feel so safe, hands above your head or next to your fact as you were in the womb. I know that baby look will not last forever so I soak it up.

  7. You know the voices of your mommy and daddy and will turn to look at us if we talk.

  8. That you try so hard to get your hand or thumb in your mouth, but just can't quite get it to stay in.

  9. The way you watch your hand in front of your face and then get very confused as to where it went when you move it away.

  10. The amount of joy that you bring to our lives...Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, Mamma Vicky, and Grandma Suzie.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, don't you just want to eat him up!! These pics are precious.
