Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Meeting his Family and Friends

We are so blessed to have so many people who love us and in turn love Parker! So many people visited us in the hospital and could not wait to get their hands on our little guy!

The grandparents were just giddy at meeting their grandson. It was such a special time...they continue to call and stop by to see the little guy.
Mama and Grandpa with Parker.

"Grandiva" meeting Parker.

Aunt Ally with Parker. Ally had a cold so could not meet Parker in the hospital. You know she was smitten with him because she rocked him for an hour in a room without a TV. Now that is love.

Kelly Bennett Wofford and Parker. We have been friends for more than 10 years...

Gerrina and Michelle...friends from work. I can't believe I posed for a picture!

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