Friday, April 13, 2012

Snow go...

We went to the cabin with the Grohs family and had a blast.  The weekend consisted of playing in the snow, drinking in the snow, tubing in the snow, skiing in the snow, and just hanging in the snow. 

The kids had a great time and so did the adults.  Memories for all forever!

The highlight of the trip was Holly and me deciding to go down the tubing hill in the same tube.  We ended up turning backwards and then heading down the back of the hill straight towards a tree.  I think we both screamed loud enough to start an avalanche, which then quickly erupted into laughter (once we realized we were still alive).

 Parker walking in the snow.

 Parker to Daddy - "I help youuuuuuu."

 Chardonnay in the's a good life.

A natural play area for the boys.

 Breakfast with the Daddy's.  
Mommy's were watching Project Runway in the warm cabin.

 We got this.

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