Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I don't have a picture of our beautiful baby boy to accompany tonights post. As I was rocking Parker to sleep tonight, I looked down and realized his little body stretched the width of the chair. His legs hung over my legs. I realized he has been holding his bottle for the past nine months. I gain comfort in the fact that when I kiss his head he still smells like my baby. And when I close my eyes I can feel the little five pound, 13 ounce baby curled on my chest with his little infant legs in the froggy position.

Parker is growing so quickly. Tonight, I asked him to go and close the blinds in the living room; he looked at me, walked over and shut the blinds. Tonight I asked him to go and get his shoe; he walked over, picked up his shoe and pointed to his little foot. Tonight I asked him if he was tired; he grabbed his blanky and paci and laid down on the floor. I know he has been doing some of these things for a few weeks, but tonight I stopped and realized how much Parker has grown. How much he understands what I am saying. How much he is becoming a person with unbelievable determination. How much I love him...to the core.

Tonight my baby is one day older than last night.

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