Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just a list...

This is just a list of all fo the new things Parker is saying and doing...

  • What does a duck say? "Bwack," which is his version of quack.
  • Parker, where is your nose? Parker will point to his nose.
  • Parker, where is your belly? Parker will lift his shirt and pat his belly. He will then want mommy, daddy or anyone near him to lift their shirt so he can poke the belly.
  • Parker loves to drive our cars. He will make a sound and move his hand back and forth as if he is turning a steering wheel when he wants to drive. If we say no, he runs to the back door, tries the sound and hand motion one more time, and then dramatically falls to the floor.
  • The sign for more translates to "I want it" in Parker language.
  • He screams dad as he walks around the house and whines mama when he is sad.
  • And finally, Parker loves to dance.

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