Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm One!

Guess who turned one today! It was one year ago today that we had Parker Thomas Cavner. Our tiny little baby is now walking, babbling and blowing kisses to those he loves. It is just so hard to believe how quickly a year goes and how much he has changed!
We had such a fun day with our bugs. We started with the donut tradition. Chris' dad always brought donuts home on his birthday and make a cake-o-donuts. Chris continued this tradition with his son.

We then took the grandmothers to Vic's Ice Cream for lunch (we passed on the ice cream, but Parker enjoyed a cone) and then hit Fairytale Town. Parker loved walking around Fairytale Town while pushing his stroller; stopping every so often to look up and give us a wave. HE was exhausted after the afternoon and while he took his afternoon nap, the rest of us prepared for his party.
We had a small family birthday...and it was so much fun. He was showered with gifts, but preferred the wrapping paper and GranDiva's flip camera. He loved his catepillar cake daddy, GranDiva, Mama Vicky and I made. I want to try to make his cake every year. We will see how long this lasts...but it is a fun goal and will force me to be creative each year.
We ended the evening with a bath in his clothes. Uncle Matty rolled him into the bathroom in his high chair. We then put him in the tub to strip him down, but we were not quick enough for our bugs...he immediately sat down on his bottom. What a good boy since I am constantly saying "on your bottom" when he tries to stand in the tub!
Thank you to our family for such a fun day. We are so blessed in so many ways. Happy Birthday sweet Parker. You will always be our Bugs!

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