Thursday, September 30, 2010

Daddy and Parker's Day of Fun!

Parker is so incredibly lucky because he gets to spen most of the week with his daddy. Chris loves his time with his baby boy. Today, they hit the Home Depot. Parker dug riding around in the race car cart.

After Home Depot they split a Jamba Juice. As you can see from the pictures, he really liked his first Jamba and was a bit upset when it was all gone.

We have entered a new phase; a phase of frustration. Parker knows what he wants and gets very upset when he cannot get it!

One year stats.

Parker is a year and it is time for me to report his one year statistics.

Head Circumference: 47.3 (95th percentile)
Height: 31.5 (98th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs. 9 oz. (75th percentile)

Parker grew just a bit between now and his last visit. Dr. Ward measured his length three times because she couldn't believe he went from the 70th percentile to the 98th percentile in height!

Development or what I call...what Parker is up to.
  • Says one or more meaningful words or sounds (num num, uh-oh, oh wow, doggy, mama, dada)
  • Copies sounds (yes, including the fire engine sirens)
  • Points to objects that he wants (all the time - his favorite is anything with buttons)
  • Follows simple directions (only if he wants to)
  • Pucks up small objects precisley with thumb and forefinger (watched him pull a pencil from his grandpa's ear, pretty precise)
  • Palces objects inside each other (yup, keeps him occupied for a good 20 minutes)
  • Looks for objects hidden from view (the never ending game of peak-a-boo)
  • Takes steps while holding on to furniture or takes steps alone with legs wide apart (or runs down the hall)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm One!

Guess who turned one today! It was one year ago today that we had Parker Thomas Cavner. Our tiny little baby is now walking, babbling and blowing kisses to those he loves. It is just so hard to believe how quickly a year goes and how much he has changed!
We had such a fun day with our bugs. We started with the donut tradition. Chris' dad always brought donuts home on his birthday and make a cake-o-donuts. Chris continued this tradition with his son.

We then took the grandmothers to Vic's Ice Cream for lunch (we passed on the ice cream, but Parker enjoyed a cone) and then hit Fairytale Town. Parker loved walking around Fairytale Town while pushing his stroller; stopping every so often to look up and give us a wave. HE was exhausted after the afternoon and while he took his afternoon nap, the rest of us prepared for his party.
We had a small family birthday...and it was so much fun. He was showered with gifts, but preferred the wrapping paper and GranDiva's flip camera. He loved his catepillar cake daddy, GranDiva, Mama Vicky and I made. I want to try to make his cake every year. We will see how long this lasts...but it is a fun goal and will force me to be creative each year.
We ended the evening with a bath in his clothes. Uncle Matty rolled him into the bathroom in his high chair. We then put him in the tub to strip him down, but we were not quick enough for our bugs...he immediately sat down on his bottom. What a good boy since I am constantly saying "on your bottom" when he tries to stand in the tub!
Thank you to our family for such a fun day. We are so blessed in so many ways. Happy Birthday sweet Parker. You will always be our Bugs!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Parker caught his first fish! Chris and I went to Napa for the weekend and Parker went to the Cabin with Mama Vicky and Papa Bob. He had a blast and was showered with love and attention from his grandparents.
The best part of the trip? Playing at the playground, going down the slide, walking (while pushing his stroller) on a mile walk, looking at the trees, and playing in the sand at the lake were all so much fun. But, I think Parker and the grandparents will agree catching the fish was the best! Parker helped real in his first fish before his first birthday. He shrieked in excitement and then proceeded to grab the fish. Absolutely no fear.
Thanks to our parents. Parker has the best grandparents! And mommy and daddy have a fantastic support system!


Parker is walking! For two weeks he has been walking back and forth between peices of furniture, and this weekend he just took off! No need for furniture. No need for the wall. He can cruise to anywhere he wants (what a new experience).

Spoon fed.

It has been a while since my last post. I would like to say it is because we have been busy; however, it is really because I loose everything that crosses my path including our camera charger! Thanks to Chris, we have a charger again and I am happy to be back to the blog. It is so much fun to reflect on the times with my family. It is so fun to track Parker's progress. It is just a little way that I can keep the memories alive!

Parker has been feeding himself with his hands for months. In fact, once he discovered that he could feed himself, he stopped letting us feed him anything with a baby spoon. Occasionally he will give us the great pleasure of feeding him with our spoon...occasionally.

Tonight, as Chris and I were cooking dinner we decided to give Parker some applesauce and a spoon. It was just the most fun to watch. Parker first tried to drink the applesauce. That was not working all that well so he moved to shoveling it in his mouth with is fingers. That proved to be a bit slow and messy. I showed him how to use a spoon and he watched me scoop the sauce and then would grab mid way to his mouth. After a few tries he finally got the spoon in his mouth...upside down. He was so incredibly proud (and so were we!).

I have said it before and I will say it again. Parker is absolutely the best and it is so much fun to watch him learn and figure things out!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

All penned up.

Look who's loving the dog pen!