Saturday, August 25, 2012


We took a family vacation to Boston.  It has been a life long dream of Chris' to go to a Red Sox game in Fenway Park and one of my best friends from high school lives in Beantown.  What great reasons to visit for a week.

We had a fabulous time.  We saw the Red Sox the first day we were there.  We had four children under the age of six at the game and they all did great!  Parker ended up sleeping through an hour of the game.  Fenway is amazing.  It is truly an experience that I will never forget.  And, the best part (aside from the Fenway Frank) was singing Sweet Caroline with the other fans in the stadium.  I felt like I was in the Fever Pitch movie.

We went to the Children's Museum, the Museum of Science, and the North End (yummy Italian food and goodies) .  But, Parker's favorite spot was Boston Common park and the frog pond.  We ended up at the park at least four times in our seven days in Boston.  The park has an amazing playground with a water feature AND a large wading depth pond for the kiddos.  Apparently, the frog pond becomes an ice skating rink in the winter.  It is absolutely brilliant and Parker had the best time!

It was great to see Courtney, her husband Ben and their three kids - Nathan, Daniel and Joseph (Joe).  Parker had fun with his new friends Nathandanieljoe (always said as one word).  And Court was so gracious showing us around her city and having us over for dinner.  She even delivered a bag of books and toys for Parker to have in the hotel.  It was so helpful.  It is so nice to have friends for so long.  It is fun to reminisce of the high school days, but it is more fun to celebrate the lives we have created.  Court is an amazing mom and wife.  It is fun to watch and learn from her as I continue to grow as a mom.

So there you have the highlights from our family vacation.  I love the family we have and love the experiences we are giving to Parker!

Our lay over in Dallas.  We went running!

On our way to the Red Sox game.  Going on the T.

Fenway Park.  Magical.

 Court and Keri with our boys.

Chris at Fenway.  Finally!

Are you talking to me?  I just woke up.  Give me a minute.

Our family.

Chris and Parker at Paramount in Beacon Hill for breakfast.  They took me back the next morning.  It was yummy!

Parker jumping in Boston Common park.

Boston Common marry go round.

Frog Pond in Boston Common park.

At the Zwirn's house.  Daniel, Parker, Joe and Nathan.

Children's museum.  There was a huge climbing structure that went from the first floor to the third floor.  We lost Parker in it a few times, but we found him.

Driving the bus and flying the plane.  Two of Parker's favorite activities.

Three little boys doing what they do best...climbing.

Mom and Parker on the train.


Marry go round again.

Daddy and Parker in Frog Pond.  So fun!

Don't bother me, I'm on vacation and have two treats.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome Oscar

We have a new member in our family, Oscar the turtle (Oscar is a girl).  Grandma Thomas passed away this month and the family asked if we wanted to take Oscar, her desert tortuous, home with us for Parker to enjoy.

Grandma found the tortuous in 1986 in Nevada and I have memories of Oscar walking around my Grandma's backyard.

So far, it is going well.  We built a turtle run in the side yard of our house and let her out in the evenings to roam around and get antiquated to his new home.  

 Just a side note - Chris posted this picture to Facebook and people commented on how cute of a picture it was of me.  Guess I need to pose next to a prehistoric, wrinkly animal more often.  I joked that his shell brought out the green in my eyes.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Row Row Row Your Boat

Our family has a Saturday tradition. 

Chris wakes up early and goes for a 25 mile bike ride.  Parker and I meet him at Fitness Rangers, our gym, at 7:45.  I do bootcamp for an hour and Parker plays in the Little Rangers room and the gym equipment.  Parker and I then head home, Chris does a bootcamp class and then rides home.

It is a great ritual and I love that Parker sees Chris and I working out.  I have memories of roller skating and riding my bike while my mom jogged.  And Parker is learning how to use the rowing maching, the TRX and he can even turn on the treadmill.  

Watch out Fitness Rangers...Parker is coming.


Monday, August 6, 2012

The 28 minute attention span

Parker is going to love Karate, but at the old age of almost 3 years old, he would rather run around on the mats than learn the ABC's of Karate.  Chris participated in Parker's class field trip to Kovar's Karate.  After 28 minutes, he took the restless preschoolers into a side room and let them run, tackle one another, and kick the punching bags.  Parker was one of the many to want to do everything BUT what the instructor wanted.

It is fun to see Parker have field trips with his classmates and it is even more fun to participate!