Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cookie Jar

Parker loves the Mother's frosted animal cookies. They are his absolute favorite. After dinner a few nights a week we will give him two cookies. We give him two because he has two hands and likes a cookie in each hand.

Well, tonight I gave him two cookies. He ate them quickly, I cleaned him up and let him go to play. I walked out of the room to put laundry away and realized that it was unusually quite, which typically means Parker is up to no good. I came back in the kitchen to find Parker on the floor with his face stuffed with cookies. Yup, I forgot to put the cookie tub back in the cupboard and Parke is tall enough to pull things off of the counter.

His facial expressions were priceless. They ranged from big "I'm so happy and proud of myself" smiles to "You better not take this away from me, I found it fair and square" scowls. It was such a fun mommy moment.

I let him eat a few (he did outsmart me) before putting them away.

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