Monday, July 19, 2010

I would like a time machine, please.

I was looking back on pictures of Parker. I cannot believe that he will be 10 months next week. He is just growing so quickly. He does something new every day and everything is so exciting.
He loves when we scare him by playing a very loud game of peek-a-boo. He loves being tickled, jumping while we hold him (the good news is our arms are getting stronger), sitting on our head, cuddling with Daddy for his morning nap, taking a bath and blowing raspberries.
Chris and I just sit in awe at our little bug. We joke that our arms are getting stronger and our hearts are getting bigger. He is the best and brings so much joy into our life. We just cannot wait to do everything with him, but at the same time we don't want him to grow so quickly.
We love you sweet, wiggly little boy!

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