Monday, June 21, 2010

Team Twilight

It is official! Parker is a charmer just like his Daddy. Today Parker and Chris went on their weekly Coscto outing. Chris and Parker enjoy finding the new arrivals, looking at all of the pretty colors on the vast array of TVs, and eating a sample or two.

Today was a very special trip to Costco. Parker won over the hearts of the Costco gals with his smile. He smiles and everyone says, "he has fangs." Yup, that is correct, our baby is Team Twilight and is a proud baby vampire.
Apparently, the girls could not get enough of our little Team Twilight and suprised Chris and Parker with a special, one of a kind Costco name badge for our little bugs. Chris asked what time he should report for work tomorrow...we figured he could work for formula.

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