Monday, February 8, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho - It's off to work I go...

September 23, 2009 - February 8, 2010
Parker is 4 1/2 months and it is time for mommy to go back to work. Thank goodness for the grandmother's who are watching him. He gets to play with Mama Vicky a few days a week and Mama Suzie and Uncle Matt the other days. In fact, Parker is the ONLY person that can get Uncle Matt out of bed before noon. It is those darn blue eyes and crazy fun giggles that get him up.
I will say that I am torn. I want to be home with Parker every day, but it also feels good to get out of the house and be among adults. And then I see the pictures. Parker has so much fun with his Grandma's and Uncle Matt! We are so lucky!

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