Thursday, September 12, 2013

Drinky please...

I love some of the phrases and words Parker uses.  Drinky is one of my favorites.  When he is thirsty he says, "Mommy, I am drinky.  May I have some water please?"  I probably should correct him, but I don't want to.  He will catch on to the fact it is thirsty soon enough!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's a...Pinky!

I am 20 weeks pregnant with our second child.  We were all excited to find out the gender of the baby, but Chris and I wanted to include Parker in the "reveal." 

We decided to do a fun balloon reveal with our families.  This is how it went down.

Chris and I went to our 20 week ultrasound.  We closed our eyes a number of times so that we wouldn't ruin the surprise.  Our ultrasound technician circled the gender on a card and I couriered the card to Holly Harper Grohs.  Holly knew the gender of our baby before anyone else.

Chris, Parker and I showed up at Land Park on a warm evening.  Holly brought a box filled with balloons.  Kristi, our photographer, captured the moment that Parker opened the top of the box and there were pink balloons.


That is the day that Parker gave Scarlett Elizabeth her nickname...Pinky.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Wanted: A big brother for baby girl.

 Parker practicing being a big brother.  Precious.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Twist and Shout

We love Parker's school.  At the end of each school year, each class performs two songs.  This year, they sang Yellow Submarine and Twist and Shout while rocking tye dyed shirts. 

Parker loves to perform and was right up front helping to lead the class.  He sported aviator glasses and loved playing the pretend trumpet during Yellow Submarine.

We love that he loves to perform, that he loves his school and that he can get down with his badself.  Go buddy go!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wanted: Big Brother for a Little Sister

Parker practicing being a big brother.  Precious.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Santa Cruz

We headed to Santa Cruz with the Thomas' for a long weekend.  We played in the sand, hit the warf, and played at the Boardwalk.  Parker enjoyed the games, especially those that allowed him to shoot a gun (he comes by it naturally). 

It was great to getaway and enjoy our family!