Friday, July 15, 2011

Roughing it with Daddy

We took our annual summer vacation at the cabin in July. Mike and Caleb joined us for the fun. I was not able to join the group until Friday evening, which left two full days of Mike and Daddy fun! As you can see from a fun filled, ice creamtastic day at the pool. Wouldn't you want to lie around after eating two ice cream treats?

Going to the park...

We bought Parker his very own backpack for school. In this picture, he was heading to Murphy's Park with Caleb, Mike and Daddy. Such a big boy (as he likes to announce).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yo yo!

The watch, the Iphone, the look...I see a future rapper!

Monday, July 4, 2011


We celebrated America's Independence Day with Parker showing signs of his own increased independence.

We started the day with the East Sacramento parade where Parker walked the streets with bicycles, military tanks (which he got to drive), and fire engines. He then ate his own rib, taking the time to say cheese to the camera.

We then tried for a nap before heading to the annual Weller Way festivities at Mike and Konrad's, but he once again showed his independence and decided that he only needed a 5 minute cat nap.

He was a swimming fool all afternoon. He wanted to go under the water just like Avery, Harri and Caleb. He also kept pushing off of Chris and me as if he wanted to swim all by himself. We are so happy that he likes the water...again.

After two hours of playing in the pool, he turned to Chris and said, "nigh nigh daddy, pappy? Go bye bye." Chris took him home and Parker was asleep by 6. He had a wonderful Independence Day. And once again we are reminded how much fun we have as a family and how lucky we are to live on such a wonderful street!
