Monday, August 16, 2010

Play ball!

We have found very few things that scare Parker, and Dinger, the mascot for the RiverCats, is no exception. Parker went to his first baseball game this weekend. He had a ball (no pun intended). He loved the music, the crowd clapping (which he clearly thought was for him) and waving to the players on the field. Then Dinger came in and he thought the big furry mascot was the funniest thing ever!

Childhood friends, babies and a BBQ

Kristen, Cortnie, Amy and I have been friends since childhood. Although we never really hung out at school, we spent many of our non school hours together. Today, we are still great friends and try to get together for girls dinners once a month to share parenting tips, good food and a little laughter.

This year, we had our first annual BBQ with our families (did I mention we are all mommies togehter?) and our parents. It was a little chaotic with 22 adults and seven children -four of which were under the age of one - and so much fun!

I am blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful women and so lucky that Parker will grow up and have memories with Anthony, Blake, Jocie, Presley and Paeton!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Proof

I think we are in a bit of denial about Parker being mobile. Friends have told us that we need to baby proof, we have discussed that it is time to baby proof, and Parker has shown us a number of times that it is time to baby proof. Well this morning, while Chris was taking a shower (he was watching Parker the entire time, we do not allow our child to play with medication unattended) Parker opened all of the bathroom drawers and cabinets. His favorite finding of the day...the DayQuill bottle. I bet you can't guess what Chris is doing tomorrow.

Chris and I just can't believe how quickly Parker is growing... and moving... and getting into things.